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Thursday, November 09, 2006

NGAUS Legislative Update: 11/9/2006

What’s Happening In Congress?

Now Safe to Turn on Your TV.
Yes, that’s right you can now go home after work, sit on your couch, and watch your favorite television programs without being bombarded with campaign commercials. Yesterday, Americans across the country went to the polls and decided that they were ready for a change in the control of Congress. After 12 years of Republican control of both chambers of Congress, the Democrats won control of the House and are awaiting word on the outcome of one more Senate race. The Virginia Senate race is still to close to call. Depending on the outcome of this race, Congress could be split or the Democrats could gain complete control of both chambers of Congress. The Democrats also had significant success in gubernatorial races in a number of states. The Republicans lost 6 seats to the Democratic gubernatorial candidates.

For complete election results please visit our Legislative section of our web site.

Pentagon Update: Rumsfeld Steps Down.
President Bush accepted Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s resignation on Nov. 8, the day after midterm elections that cost the Republicans the House. President Bush has nominated former CIA Chief Robert Gates as his successor. Gates joined the CIA in 1966 and served in the intelligence community for more than twenty-five years, under 6 different presidents. Gates served as the CIA Chief for Bush Sr. from 1991 to 1993. He is the president of Texas A&M University and a close friend of the Bush family. The Senate must confirm the nomination prior to Mr. Gates being named the new Secretary of Defense.

What’s Happening At NGAUS?

Welcome new Members of Congress and new State Governors.
The NGAUS legislative team would like to congratulate all of the electoral winners and welcome all of the new faces to the political arena. We look forward to working with all of these new “players” on National Guard issues and are extremely interested in pushing forward to accomplish many more legislative goals for NGAUS.

Take this great opportunity to send a note to your area’s newly elected officials. It’s an excellent way to begin a dialog without actually asking for something.

Upcoming Events at NGAUS:
Nov 15: Wyoming State Visit
Nov 17-19: NGAUS Board of Directors Meeting in D.C.
Dec 5: Combat Support Task Force Meeting
Dec 6: Industry Day
Dec 7: Fire Support Task Force Meeting
Jan 16-17: Kentucky State Visit
Jan 21-25: NGEDA Conference
Feb 7-8: Arkansas State Visit
Feb 25 –Mar 1: AGAUS Conference
Mar 5-6: CACO Conference

What Can You Do?

Veterans Show Your Pride: Wear Your Medals on Veterans Day.
The Department of Veteran’s Affairs has called on all veterans to proudly display their medals on Veterans Day this year. This is a way to express your patriotism and remind your neighbors of the service and sacrifice of those who have and currently are protecting freedom and democracy around the world. Please join veterans across the country in this symbolic display of pride in unity and patriotism.

For more information visit the Veterans/Retirees section of the NGAUS website at: NGAUS.

Published by the NGAUS Legislative Staff:
    Brig Gen (ret) Richard M. Green, Director
    Chris DeBatt, Army Programs
    Bernie Phelps, Senior Legislative Analyst
    Emily Breitbach, Legislative Analyst
For more information on NGAUS, check out our web site: NGAUS.org.